PPC Marketing Trends For in 2020

Only two months remain until the revolutionary year 2020 welcomes us. According to Search Engine Land, 49 percent of people click on text ads, 31 percent on Shopping ads and 16 percent on video ads. People are looking to make the year remarkable as it will mark the ending of the decade. One can never predict the future in the marketing or the business world.

According to the Google AdWord, businesses earn an average of Rs. 140 in income for every Rs. 70 they spend. Everyone wants to make the most of their ad budget. Therefore, it is time to develop strategies and opportunities that are blooming for efficient budget allocation and maximizing the return on investment. Some of the companies provide the best PPC services that provide the top conversion rate optimization.

As the new strategies and technologies have started emerging at the faster pace, it becomes difficult for the marketing manager to know which ones are worth paying attention to.The Marcom Avenue provides best integrated marketing communication services is here to help you with the some of the PPC trends that you should be ready to adopt for best marketing results:
  1. Segmentation of Audiences
Audience segmentation refers to when we group the users depending upon their needs so that each consumer sees ads that relate to specific products and services at a specific time. The people are segregated on the basis results collected:
  • Website results: It includes the data collected by the website by analysing the URLs they have visited.
  • Type of Interaction: This includes the type of interaction, i.e. how they have interacted on the website. For Example: Whether they have purchased something or have gathered knowledge about something.
The ad platform data is available to the users. Then they are placed into the buckets that serve specific ads based on the interaction with the user. This provides an idea to increase or decrease the bids that are more or less prominent to the audiences based on the value they have on your business. Market segmentation is done mainly based on geographic, demographics, psychographics and behavioural attributes.
The development of specific data sets, as well as inferred emotional data, means that you can make a digital marketing strategy, in which ads specific to the people you want to target. In 2020, the segmentation options will continue to grow and marketers will be able to develop highly targeted and personalized campaigns.
  1. Optimizing Ads for Voice Search
According to ComScore, the leading media measurement organization, the use of voice searches among mobile device users will be increased by up to 50% by 2020. It is also predicted that businesses that are promoting through online PPC campaigns will risk losing the business opportunity of being featured in voice results.

This means search algorithms trigger search result ads. The process will get changed as people will interact in a more personalized manner with voice search-enabled devices like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant.

One can start by analyzing the results of existing campaigns to see which ones have received traffic by voice search. This observation will fetch you the insights of your audience’s search intent which will help you in planning keyword strategies for conversational queries.
Re-visiting the list of negative keywords and creating a keyword list that focuses on long-tail search queries and keyword that are voice search-friendly. It would be advisable to make these changes to the current PPC campaigns to leverage previous data which generates insights and adjust bids accordingly to focus on queries that showcase high intention of purchasing.
  1. Leveraging the power of Latest Technologies: Artificial Intelligence and Automation
Has anyone thought why companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Samsung created internet-dependent devices to manage your home functions? It is an innovative development to track user’s behavior. The more the data they have of the user, they can create a personalized experience.
However, PPC platforms have started using automation to help advertisers to optimize their ad budgets. With the information, they can present a personalized and to the print ads. Automation has begun and is going to increase in 2020. Google offers several smart features such as automated bidding which help advertisers to reduce the time and resources, they spend on campaign management while maximizing their Return on Investment (ROI).

With the help of PPC automation, marketing managers can free up their time and focus on developing strategies. By implementing PPC automation in workflow, one can leverage:
  1. Bid Management: Automation can help you manage to bid with a greater degree of accuracy and profitability.
  2. Ad Creative and Copy: PPC automation can be used to optimize a large number of ad groups and campaigns based on your data feeds, IF statements and website copy.
  3. Generating Insights: Generating insights when you need will help you make the strategic decisions without sorting and wrangling a huge amount of data.
With the help of integrating AI-powered tools, one can increase the pay-out on your PPC ads which allows you to invest less time doing it. Here are some benefits that AI can make your PPC advertising more effective and efficient:
  • Predict the Behaviour of Targeted customers in Real-Time.
  • Remove or pause Ads that are performing poorly.
  • Adjust PPC Bids Automatically.
  • Identify Best Ads
  • Find the best call to action
To begin with, marketing managers can start with the following some of the techniques:
  • Using scripts in Google and Bing for automating account management alerts and changes.
  • Investing in optimization servicing tools (OSTs), such as Adzooma, Search Squared or GOA.
  • Using bidding rules for managing the performance of your campaigns.
  • Setting up of alerts across all your activities to inform you of any major changes.
  • Setting up automated reporting, reduce manual reporting time.
  • Spending more time by analyzing your data and audiences for delivering the best experience for your customers.
  • Testing outsmart campaigns in Google Ads to hit your target KPIs.
By 2020, the most highlighted factor will be the performance of companies with clients and businesses which require more data analysis, reporting, planning, and servicing. There will be more clutter on online platforms through which advertising online becomes difficult. Therefore, there will be higher prominence of automation tools which will help you with the optimization, project, reporting and account management.
  1. Increased Use of Video Ads Across Channels
Videos play the role of conveying information real quick and with high entertainment value. They allow a brand to showcase their personality, tell a story and ultimately connect with their audience. Studies show that it is easier to trust a product if they see a video of someone demonstrating it.
However, it might seem that video production is an unnecessary expense but considering how fond the people are of video, the future of video content marketing shows positive results. Approximately 90% of users spend more time on websites with videos.
Predictably, users will be in the long demand of videos as it becomes to create high-quality videos. As smartphone cameras, editing software is becoming more accessible, professional video content are improving constantly.
ROI of video content tends to be exceedingly positive especially if it can be promoted through channels with ease. As video usage has increased, more of the social media sites and platforms offer opportunities for video ads, it is advisable to take advantage of in the coming months and years.
  1. Reduced Organic Results in Searches
Many studies suggest that internet users are usually satisfied with what they found in the first three pages of search engines. It is expected that shortly, Google will start to show fewer search results and limit the number of web pages for the user’s search. This means that marketing managers have to work hard to get your content to appear organically in search results or one needs to pay higher to get on list. By investing in PPC optimization, one can ensure your ads show up for queries.
  1. Visual Search
Searches have become more visual. Many users have started to search for relevant results based on other images similar to ones you have uploaded in search engines.

Many social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat have started using visual search tool in 2015. Bing has also released its visual search engine which allows people to do the same thing but use their entire index of the web as their source of information.

This means that marketing managers have to be prepared for the growth of visual search which will make it easier for people to find relevant results according to your search term in the future. They have to be ready for the following:
  • Be prepared to think about images that will showcase your offering on your website.
  • Ensure they have the correct ALT text on them so the SERPs can pick them up.
  • Ensure that you are using the best images to showcase products or services.
  • Use multiple images where possible so the SERPs have a choice of what to index. 

The PPC trends will change the future of digital marketing in 2020. Many people are adopting some of the trends today while others are yet to follow.As these new and innovative technologies are emerging rapidly, it is important to stay alerted so that you can adapt and refine your PPC marketing strategies.

To get the best ideas for PPC marketing, Reach out to The Marcom Avenue for quality lead generation
PPC Marketing Trends For in 2020 PPC Marketing Trends For in 2020 Reviewed by I on November 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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